Susan Hylen

Most commented posts

  1. Motivations and challenges for online teaching — 7 comments
  2. Incorporating student self-assessment — 5 comments
  3. M8 UDL — 4 comments

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This is an important topic to be aware of, though it also feels like a bottomless pit. My current strategy is to start with the students that are actually in my class and to try to accommodate the needs they share with me, rather than to try and meet all the imagined needs that these …

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OERs are a great sources of images!

I am somewhat familiar with OER’s. The main way I have found them very helpful is for incorporating images into my classes. I often will use images—sometimes just to provide color, but more often as a way of helping students to see the varieties of ways a text can be interpreted. Artists make decisions about …

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Incorporating student self-assessment

I like the idea presented in “Student Self-Evaluation: What Research Says and What Practice Shows” (by Rolheiser and Ross), that students can find increased motivation and understanding when they are taught to assess their own progress. The authors qualify this by saying that students must have known standards against which to compare their work, and …

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Motivations and challenges for online teaching

I confess that my motivations for teaching online are mostly external–we have a new degree program that offers online learning, and half of the students concentrate in my area. However, given that it’s now a “fact of life,” I find it an interesting challenge to try and transfer some of what I do well in …

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