While homicide rates in major cities across the country fell in 2013, Atlanta’s rate remained much the same. There were 84 homicides in the City of Atlanta during 2013, as compared to 83 in 2012, according to the FBI Uniformed Crime Report.
According to the report, 72 men and 12 women were killed. Of those killed, 72 were African-American, 10 were white, one was Asian, and the other was unknown. Victims were killed overwhelmingly by a stranger with a gun.
Below is a timeline of the murders, with a description of what the police believe happened, according to police reports. Additionally, there is a map of where the murders occurred.
[timeline src=”https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AhkNqHlEfn8tdDhiNTRmR2EwZk8wV3hoMHYtMHh4Vmc&usp=drive_web#gid=0″ width=”100%” height=”650″ font=”Bevan-PotanoSans” maptype=”toner” lang=”en” ]