Update from Annette Finley-Croswhite and Gayle Brunelle

Annette Finley-Croswhite, Ph.D. 1991, and Gayle Brunelle, Ph.D. 1988, are garnering terrific reviews for Murder in the Metro.

Annette Finley-Croswhite, Ph.D. 1991, and Gayle Brunelle, Ph.D. 1988, who did their dissertations with Professor J. Russell Major, have had enormous success with a book they wrote together, Murder in the Metro: Laetitia Toureaux and the Cagoule in 1930s France (Louisiana State Press, 2010).  It sold out of its first press run in four weeks and has garnered wonderful reviews.  British historian and journalist, Nigel Jones, picked Murder in the Metro as his favorite book of 2010 for the British magazine History Today and on December 17, they got a wonderful review in the prestigious Times Literary Supplement. Professor Finley-Croswhite writes, “While we remain early modernists based on our training at Emory and other research projects, we have become fascinated by France in the modern era.  Certainly it is testimony to the driving force of Russell Major who always wanted us to think broadly and work in multiple archives that allowed us to broaden ourselves and take on France in the twentieth century.  Our personal friendship has grown deeper as we have learned to write together in one authorial voice.”  The reviews praise the book’s writing, saying that it “reads like a novel.” It is selling very well and being used not just in courses on fascism and modern Europe but also in historical methods classes. A movie might even be in the works!  The co-authors also have been invited to numerous speaking engagements because the book is getting such great buzz. They have a website: www.murderinthemetro.com and are on YouTube and Facebook. Laetitia Toureaux even has her own Facebook site!