Brian Vick Wins Hans Rosenberg Prize from the Central European History Society

Brian Vick, Associate Professor of History, recently won the Hans Rosenberg Book Prize from the Central European History Society. The award honors the best book in central European history published in English by permanent residents of North America. Vick received the award for The Congress of Vienna: Power and Politics after Napoleon (Harvard UP, 2014). Below is Prof. Vick’s description of the project.

“My most recent research explores questions of European culture and political culture at the Congress of Vienna, including the political engagement of women, the development of liberal and conservative politics, and the role of religious revival. This work also sounds the cultural and political meanings of the celebratory spectacle and display surrounding Napoleon’s defeat and the return of peace at the close of the wars against Napoleon, and it spotlights such less-studied but important aspects of Congress diplomacy as the struggles over Jewish rights in Germany, abolition of the African slave trade, and the problem of the Barbary corsairs…Along with related articles and essays, this work reassesses the nature and direction of European culture and political culture in their period of transition between the revolutionary era and the nineteenth century.”