Dr. Belle Tuten (PhD alumna) on “The Mansplaining Hordes”

Dr. Belle Tuten,  W. Newton and Hazel A. Long Professor of History at Juniata College, wrote a piece “The Mansplaining Hordes” on the blog Smart Women Talking. Tuten received her PhD from Emory’s History Department in the 1990s with Steve White. Read an excerpt of the post below and check out Tuten’s full post.

“As a college professor I have the luxury of having at least some claim to knowledge about my own expertise on my own turf (although many college students may not consider it knowledge worth having; that is a different problem). But I’m a professor in the humanities. There is certainly a different conundrum for my female and non-binary colleagues and colleagues of color in the social and natural sciences. I cannot help but think that as the humanities have more and more female etc. professors, the humanities get more and more sidelined by the “real” [read: quantitative?] social and physical sciences, from which female and nonbinary students and students of color are dropping out at demonstrably higher rates than straight white male ones. Is that also a statement on the nature of authority?”