Anderson Discusses Voting Rights and Voter Suppression in ‘AJC’ and on ‘Utah Public Radio’

Dr. Carol Anderson, Charles Howard Candler Professor of African American Studies and Associated Faculty in the History Department, was recently featured on Utah Public Radio and in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Anderson was a guest on Access Utah in advance of speaking at the the Voting Rights Symposium at Utah State University on September 17. Anderson was also a prominent contributor to the recent AJC opinion piece, “Trench warfare over the right to vote has arrived in Georgia.” Read an excerpt from the AJC piece below along with the full article here.

“Voter fraud is rare. And Georgia voters faced widespread administrative failures during this primary. Documented failures. What we really need to be having is a conversation about providing reassurance, calm and clarity,” Anderson said.

– Carol Anderson, “Trench warfare over the right to vote has arrived in Georgia.”