Anderson Analyzes Senate Bill 202 for WABE’s ‘A Closer Look’

Dr. Carol Anderson, Charles Howard Candler Professor of African American Studies and Associated Faculty in the History Department, was recently a guest on the WABE radio show A Closer Look. Anderson analyzed Senate Bill 202, legislation that Gov. Brian Kemp recently signed into law that will place new requirements and restrictions on voting in the state of Georgia. Anderson places this legislation into historical context, drawing parallels between these new restrictions and voter suppression tactics from generations prior. Read an excerpt below along with the full piece: “Emory Professor Discusses Voter Suppression, Senate Bill 202, Power Of Black Vote.”

During the virtual interview, Anderson told show host Rose Scott that she believes Senate Bill 202 is based on false premises. ‘If it passes, I expect immediate legal challenges,’ said Anderson. ‘It is really clear that this bill is based on the [big lie] — the big lie that led to the Capitol insurrection, the big lie about the stealing of the vote, the big lie about massive voter fraud.’ Anderson also said lawmakers have historically tried to shut down Black voting power — citing several examples, including literacy tests, poll taxes and the Mississippi Plan.