Anderson Interviewed on FAIR’s “CounterSpin”

Charles Howard Candler Professor Carol Anderson was recently interviewed on CounterSpin, the weekly radio show of FAIR (“Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting”). Anderson discusses the relationship between white supremacy and American democracy, past and present. Read an excerpt from the interview below and find the full conversation here: “White Supremacists Were Willing to Hold the United States Hostage

“what struck me—and this really began to come out for me as I was working on my latest book, The Second: Race and Guns in a Fatally Unequal America, was the way that white supremacists were willing to hold the United States of America hostage in order to advance their white supremacist ideology, in order to embed it into the bedrock foundation of this nation. And that they were willing to destroy the United States if they didn’t get their way. And for that, they should have been held accountable. But instead, they were revered. Instead, they were allowed to walk away. And that lack of accountability, over and over and over, only emboldens the white supremacists, and puts the United States of America and its ideas and this democracy at risk.”