Anderson Quoted in ‘Reuters’ Piece about Arbery Hate Crime Case

Dr. Carol Anderson, Charles Howard Candler Professor and Associated Faculty in the History Department, was recently quoted in a Reuters article about the federal hate crime trial against the three men who killed Ahmaud Arbery. Anderson discusses the significance of the hate crime trial in advancing racial justice for Arbery’s family and the nation as a whole. Read an excerpt quoting Anderson below along with the full article: “Family of Ahmaud Arbery wants racial justice as murderers face new trial.”

Carol Anderson, an Emory University professor of African American studies who has watched the case closely, said the trial was “absolutely necessary” even though the men had already been convicted of murder.

“We must be clear, it was his blackness that put him in the crosshairs of these men,” Anderson said. “And that makes this a hate crime. This is part of the truth telling that society must have.”