Anderson Analyzes Senate Bill 202 for WABE’s ‘A Closer Look’

Dr. Carol Anderson, Charles Howard Candler Professor of African American Studies and Associated Faculty in the History Department, was recently a guest on the WABE radio show A Closer Look. Anderson analyzed Senate Bill 202, legislation that Gov. Brian Kemp recently signed into law that will place new requirements and restrictions on voting in the state of Georgia. Anderson places this legislation into historical context, drawing parallels between these new restrictions and voter suppression tactics from generations prior. Read an excerpt below along with the full piece: “Emory Professor Discusses Voter Suppression, Senate Bill 202, Power Of Black Vote.”

During the virtual interview, Anderson told show host Rose Scott that she believes Senate Bill 202 is based on false premises. ‘If it passes, I expect immediate legal challenges,’ said Anderson. ‘It is really clear that this bill is based on the [big lie] — the big lie that led to the Capitol insurrection, the big lie about the stealing of the vote, the big lie about massive voter fraud.’ Anderson also said lawmakers have historically tried to shut down Black voting power — citing several examples, including literacy tests, poll taxes and the Mississippi Plan.

Lisa Greenwald (PhD ’96) Featured on Fox News NY and NBC News NY

Fox and NBC news outlets in New York City recently featured the community building work of Dr. Lisa Greenwald, a 1996 graduate of the Emory History PhD program. Greenwald has been a driving force behind the reanimation of her block association in New York City’s Upper West Side, which has organized multiple charitable projects relating to COVID-19. Greenwald herself was named “New Yorker of the Week” earlier this year in recognition of her cooking dinner every Wednesday night for women and children at a local shelter. Greenwald teaches at Stuyvesant High School and published Daughters of 1968: Redefining French Feminism and the Women’s Liberation Movement with the University of Nebraska Press in 2019. Watch the news stories featuring Greenwald and the block association’s work: “Pandemic Brings NYC Neighborhood Closer Together” and “West 111th Street Block Association.”

Suh to Speak at Event, “Addressing Anti-Asian Violence in Context and Community”

Dr. Chris Suh, Assistant Professor of History, will speak this evening along with other members of the Emory community at a virtual event titled “Addressing Anti-Asian Violence in Context and Community.” The conversation will take place from 6-7pm at the following link: (Zoom ID: 924 7516 6678). Read more about the event below:

“In light of recent events, we are offering a student-focused program addressing the surge of anti-Asian violence on both a national and local level. We welcome individuals of Asian descent to join us tomorrow, March 18th, at 6 PM ET for a time of connection to learn more about the wider historical context of anti-Asian violence, meaning-making during this time of pain, and self-care practices we can use to sustain ourselves and our communities. The discussion will be facilitated by Melissa Paa Redwood (Office for Racial and Cultural Engagement), Dr. Chris Suh (Department of History), Dr. Jane Yang (Counseling and Psychological Services), the Venerable Priya Sraman (Office of Spiritual and Religious Life), and Alia Azmat (Counseling and Psychological Services).”

Dr. Adom Getachew to Present at 2021 J. Harvey Young Seminar

This year’s presenter at the Emory History Department’s J. Harvey Young seminar will be Dr. Adom Getachew, Neubauer Family Assistant Professor of Political Science and the College at the University of Chicago. The annual seminar features a dynamic scholar whose work engages with important questions that resonate across geographic and chronological areas of specialization. Getachew will deliver a paper entitled, “‘A Common Spectacle’ of the Race – Garveyism and the Visual Politics of Founding.” The Young seminar will take place on Friday, April 16, from 2-4pm via Zoom. Getachew’s research centers on the history of political thought, theories of race and empire, and postcolonial political theory in Africa and the Caribbean. Princeton University Press published her first book, Worldmaking After Empire: The Rise and Fall of Self-Determination, in 2019.

Anderson Named AAPSS’s 2021 W. E. B. DuBois Fellow

Congratulations to Dr. Carol Anderson on being one of five distinguished scholars inducted as a fellow of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (AAPSS). The honor recognizes the contributions of university-based scholars and public servants who advance science and deepen public understanding of human behavior and social dynamics. There are 145 AAPSS fellows in total. Anderson, who was named the AAPSS’s 2021 W.E.B. DuBois Fellow, is also Charles Howard Candler Professor of African American Studies and Associated Faculty in the History Department. Read more about the award via the AAPSS press release.

Strocchia to Present on “Women and Healthcare: Lessons from the Italian Renaissance”

Dr. Sharon T. Strocchia, Professor of History, will give a talk entitled “Women and Healthcare: Lessons from the Italian Renaissance” on March 22 at 4pm via Zoom. The event will include a panel discussion with Dr. Ruth Parker, Professor of Medicine in the Emory University School of Medicine, and Dr. Kylie Smith, Associate Professor in the Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing and Associated Faculty in the History Department. Strocchia’s talk will draw on her most recent and multiple-prize-winning book, Forgotten Healers: Women and the Pursuit of Health in Late Renaissance Italy (Harvard UP, 2019). Find out more information and register for the event by emailing Becky Herrin (bherrin [at] emory [dot] edu).

Suddler to Moderate Panel, “Beyond the Games: Black Women & Sports – Past, Present, and Future”

Dr. Carl Suddler, Assistant Professor of History, will moderate the upcoming panel, “Beyond the Games: Black Women & Sports – Past, Present, and Future.” The event will feature Renee Montgomery (Executive and Co-owner, The Atlanta Dream), Elisabeth Akinwale (Co-founder of the 13th Flow Performance System), Keiko Price (Emory’s Clyde Partin Sr. Director of Athletics), and Lanita Gregory Campbell (Director of Emory’s Office for Racial and Cultural Engagement). The event, which coincides with Women’s History Month, will take place on Thursday, March 18, at 4:30pm. The Department of History is a sponsor of the event, which is also part of the 2021 Sports History Lecture Series.

Suh’s Work Highlighted in “Race, Equity, Resilience, and Social Justice Research” Feature

The Office of the Senior Vice President for Research recently featured the work of Dr. Chris Suh, Assistant Professor of History, in a series on Race, Equity, Resilience, and Social Justice Research at Emory. Suh’s research centers on race, ethnicity, and inequality, especially the United States’ engagement with the Pacific World and Asian migration to the United States. Read an excerpt from the feature below along with the full piece: “Race, Equity, Resilience, and Social Justice Research at Emory University.”

“When someone tells Chris Suh that history repeats itself, he replies—not necessarily.

“‘The past only repeats itself if you choose to see it that way,’ he says. And it’s the historian’s job to help uncover those surprises or variations in the archival record that challenge conventional assumptions.

Anderson Comments on GA Senate and House Voting Legislation

Dr. Carol Anderson, Charles Howard Candler Professor of African American Studies and Associated Faculty in the History Department, was recently quoted in an article in Atlanta Magazine. The piece focuses on the dozen bills currently alive in the Georgia state House and Senate that are focused on voting issues. Opponents critique this legislation as Republican efforts to curb voting rights in the wake of Democratic victories in the 2020 presidential election and for the state’s two senate seats in early 2021. Read an excerpt from the piece quoting Dr. Anderson below along with the full article: “Here’s what’s going on with voting legislation in Georgia and why opponents say it’s clear ‘voter suppression.'”

But Emory University professor Carol Anderson, author of One Person, No Vote: How Voter Suppression Is Destroying Our Democracy, says Republican lawmakers are going on a “bonanza” to deter alleged voter identity theft, despite no proof of voter fraud in recent elections. “They are targeting American citizens and denying them their right to vote,” she says. Anderson, an expert on the country’s history of voter suppression, says that the nature of the bills wasn’t surprising, but it was the sheer volume of bills introduced in Georgia during the current session that has garnered widespread attention, even as other states propose similar legislation.

Slave Voyages Launches Consortium

Slave Voyages, a preeminent resource for the study of slavery and a digital memorial, recently launched a cooperative consortium with six other institutions to ensure its sustainability. The consortium includes Emory, the Hutchins Center for African and African American Research at Harvard University, the National Museum of African American History and Culture, the Omohundro Institute of Early American History & Culture at William & Mary, Rice University, and three campuses at the University of California that will assume a joint membership: UC Santa Cruz, UC Irvine and UC Berkeley. Slave Voyages contains the records of tens of thousands of trans-Atlantic and inter-American slaving voyages, and users can submit new records as they are encountered.

The database grew out of the archival research of Dr. David Eltis, Robert W. Woodruff Professor Emeritus in the Emory History Department. Dr. Allen E. Tullos, Professor of History and Director of the Emory Center for Digital Scholarship, has worked on an extensive update and expansion of the project since 2018. He serves on the project’s steering committee, along with Emory History Department graduate alumni Dr. Alex Borucki (University of California, Irvine) and Dr. Daniel B. Domingues da Silva (Rice University). Read more about launch of the consortium through a quote from Eltis below along with articles in the Atlanta Journal Constitution and from the Emory News Center.

“‘The launch of the consortium is an innovation not just for scholars of slavery, but for all soft money digital humanities projects,’ says David Eltis, Robert W. Woodruff Professor Emeritus of History and co-director of the SlaveVoyages project. ‘At long last, this consortium opens up a route to sustainability.