3 Places to Head for Laughs in Midtown
What’s on tap is a top priority for bar hoppers all over Atlanta. The headlining act is the initial inquiry to come from live music fanatics. But the question Atlantans should start asking more often is, “Who’s delivering the punchline tonight?”
was named America’s funniest city in August of 2013 by Movoto Blog, a real
estate blog that gives rankings out to deserving locations in a variety of categories
search engine. College students in Atlanta may know the best bars in Buckhead,
but comedy clubs present a source of entertainment for those who can’t legally
drink yet. The comedy clubs below are all located near Midtown and are among
the top five highest rated comedy clubs in Atlanta, according to Yelp.com. -
This is Dad’s Garage Theatre Company performing in Berlin. They perform at 7 Stages in Little Five Points on Euclid Road.
A promo for their Youtube Channel.
An example of the shenanigans employed by Dad’s Garage in shows.
Today I improvised with a squid taped to my head. Thanks @dads_garage, that’s a thing that really happened.
The Village Theatre is rather young, starting in 2008, but it was featured on a news report at it’s location on Decatur Street in 2009.
An example of one of the Village Theatre’s shows called Armando.
The cast of Armando just after a show.
WOOooo #Armando + Kelly Tippens = @villagetheatre #PLF @ Village Theatre http://instagram.com/p/jk0sTem0KD/
The Laughing Skull is the most renowned comedy club in the city, boasting an impressive lineup, and can be found in the Vortex at 878 Peachtree Street.
So finally got this in the email…
Check out our line up here:
http://laughingskulllounge.com/ http://fb.me/2ccAA0Bkb -
Here are Tweets that were in the audience for Sunday night’s show.
@kylekinane just crushed it at the Laughing Skull Lounge. So awesome to see in person. #imnotaweirdo
.@kylekinane was great at Laughing Skull. Was money well spent. Also, now it’s #fuckthefiredept instead of #fuckthepolice. Thanks drunk lady
Laughing Skull Lounge TV on Youtube.
All three comedy club locations are only miles apart!