Student Teacher

Morgan Vaughn, entering her fifth year here in the Dyer lab, has also begun teaching a section of general chemistry at Emory as part of the prestigious Dean’s Teaching Fellowship. The advanced student fellowship is a competitive award, granted to those who have an established record of outstanding teaching and aspire to pursue a career in education. Morgan’s course, CHEM 150, is also unique, as this semester is the first to fully implement a revamped chemistry curriculum, “Chemistry Unbound,” where material is presented in a more conceptual, non-traditional order, and group work and student interaction are strongly emphasized.  

In addition to completing the necessary experiments and writing of her dissertation, Morgan designs and delivers lectures, hosts office hours, and writes her own exams. After completing her Ph.D., she hopes to pursue a teaching career at a predominantly undergraduate university, where her experience at Emory will undoubtedly prove valuable.

Best of luck for a great year, Morgan!

Day One of Rotations!

The Dyer lab welcomes Alexia and Aimee for their first rotation of the semester. Both will be working on protein folding, with postdoc Erin and senior graduate student Sam as mentors. Best of luck to both of you!

Congratulations, Dr. Chica!

Bryant successfully defended (and showed up on time for!) his thesis on July 26, 2017, titled “Semiconductor Nanoparticle-Protein Hybrid Systems for Solar Hydrogen Production and Photo-Triggered Mechanistic Studies.” Congrats, Bryant!


The Unveiling

Welcome to the new website! The Dyer lab joined Emory WordPress Sites, which allows us to elegantly showcase our ongoing research, provide information about our talented graduate students and staff, and maintain a news blog of important lab events. Check back for updates!