《胡同,小院,人家》 《西红柿》练习题
I. Based on 《胡同,小院,人家》, describe the changes in Beijing in the following areas. In your sentence be sure to use and underline the expressions you learned in this essay.
- 胡同的面貌 _____________________________________________________
- 胡同的交通 _____________________________________________________
- 胡同里的人 _____________________________________________________
II. Five photos of Beijing.
- Find 5 photos of Beijing online, each depicting a scene described in 《胡同,小院,人家》
- Copy and paste the photos to the Word document of this assignment.
- Add caption for each photo. The captions are complete sentences from 《胡同,小院,人家》
- Provide website addresses.
III. Make up meaningful sentences or complete the dialogue using the expressions below.
(Good sentence: 中秋夜深人静。我独自坐在窗前,不由地想起我远在农村的爷爷奶奶.)
(Bad sentence: 这里夜深人静。)
- A: 现在中国孩子们真幸福,不愁吃,不愁穿,要什么有什么。
- 夜深人静
- 一目了然
IV. In the space below (5-6 sentences) describe one food item that has special meanings for you. Be sure to tell why it is special.