
Quiz on 《修桥


Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words, and then answer the questions based on the meanings of the sentences.


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1. 小学生正扶着绳索过桥,脚下的木板________________。

What does the sentence say about the bridge? _________________________


2. 赵主任连夜向乡政府___________________报告,建议在小河上修建一




How does the sentence above describe the bridge that Mr. Zhao wants to see built?  ____________________________________.


3. 钱乡长带队,组团赴卢沟桥_________________________________.


What did Mr. Qian and his team do at Lugou Bridge?  __________________

­­­­­­­­­­­4. 我们的目光应该放得更远一些,要学会____________


What should we learn?  ________________________________________