
Quiz on 《我奋斗了18年才和你坐在一起喝咖啡》

Fill in the blanks with Characters and then make true of false or choose the most appropriate answers.

1. 从我出生的一刻起,我的身份就与你有了________________________.

tiānrǎng zhī bié

My identity is different from yours from the moment I was born. (T or F)

2. 我___________________顾及业余爱好,学校也没有这些发展个人特长的课程。


Which one of the following statements is true?
a. I have many hobbies.
b. My school’s curriculum encourages the development of individual interests.
c. I have no time for hobbies.


3. 只要成绩不是太差,你可以在高三时有机会获得_________________上大学的名额.


Which one of the following statements is true?
a. Students with good grades can be recommended for college admission.
b. Students with good grades will go overseas for college.


4. 我真的很羡慕大城市的同学____________________知识面那么广.

duōcái duōyì

I think I am just as talented and knowledgeable as my classmates from the cities. (T or F)


5. 为了这个世界更公平些,我们应该做些______________________的事情.


In order to make this world fairer, we must __________________________________.
a. study extremely hard
b. do the things that we within our power.
c. speak up against injustice