
Quiz on 《让儿子独立一回》

Fill in the blanks with Characters and then make true of false or choose the most appropriate answers.


1. ________________________是中国的传统。如今儿子_______________________

Wàng zĭ cheng long                                                       rúyuàn yĭcháng


Which one of the following statements best summarizes the sentences above?

a. The son fulfilled his mother’s wish.

b. The son has his own plans for his future.


2. 猛一下就叫儿子一个人去________________________,妈妈一百个放心不下。

Jīng fēngyŭ jiàn shìmiàn

What is the mother worried about?

a. Her son being caught in a terrible storm

b. Her son living independently in college


3. 简直是____________________, 儿子很平静地说,“早该让我独立了。”

chūhū yìwài

The parents knew that their son wanted to be “independent.”  (T  F)


4. 他正在为如何为儿子回信而___________________­­­­­­­­­.

Shāng năojīn

The father is not quite sure of how to reply to his son. (T   F)