Chemistry Carnival: Science.Art.Wonder

Also showcased during the Chemistry Carnival was the collaboration of Gokul with an artist in Puerto Rico to illustrate some of his science. Over the course of a few months, Gokul worked with Raisa Rodriguez Maldonado, from the University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez to bring to life his work with influenza viral infection. Her paintings highlight his study of the dynamics of hemagglutinin/receptor protein/protein interactions that permit cell entry, and ultimately, viral infection.

Gokul and Raisa (via Skype) interacting with the crowd at the Carnival
Artist Raisa Rodriguez Maldonado








Science.Art.Wonder is sponsored by the Atlanta Science Festival and hopes to continue to be an integral interdisciplinary component of the annual festival.

Another piece by Raisa, titled “Host-Cell Invasion” inspired by Gokul’s work on influenza viral infection
Scientist Gokul (Right) and artist Raisa (Left, via Skype) in front of one of her pieces for Science Art Wonder.