The Library Employee Advocacy Forum (LEAF) is facilitating a monthly online news feature to keep library staff informed about advocacy-related information at Emory.
Thanks to those who helped with the holiday luncheon
Thanks to everyone who helped with the LEAF holiday luncheon last December. those honorees include: the luncheon committee, those who volunteered for decorations, set up and take down, food service, desserts, and for Dean Yolanda Cooper for sponsoring the event. There was deliciousness and holiday spirit all around
February coffee with Wellness
LEAF will co-host our February Coffee Hour with the LITS Wellness Committee on February 13 at 10:30 am in the Jones Room. If possible, bring your own coffee cup for sustainability. Besides getting some updates from Wellness, we will also be spotlighting new library hires from the past few months
Pitts exhibitions tour
Please join the LEAF for a tour of the Pitts Theology Library exhibition, Thy Kingdom Come, American Evangelicalism from George Whitefield to Contemporary Politics, led by co-curator Brandon Wason. Brandon, who is the curator of manuscripts and archives at Pitts, will lead two separate tours, the first on Friday, February 7 from 2:00-3:00 and the second on Wednesday, February 26 from 10:00-11:00. Tours will commence at the Pitts Library main circulation desk. Due to space limitations, RSVPs are requested.
LEAF leadership through May 2020
Our fearless Library Employee Advocacy Forum (LEAF) chair, Amanda Adams, has left Emory to finish a library degree. We thank her for her dedicated service as a LEAF officer (as treasurer and then chair), including heading the LEAF Holiday Luncheon committee for the past two years. The remaining LEAF officers have decided not to have an interim LEAF chair, but instead are dividing up the chair’s responsibilities among themselves. In case you need contact an officer, they are:
- Erich Wendt, Vice-Chair/Secretary
- Peter Shirts, Communications Coordinator
- Cari Lovins, Treasurer
- Ayana Bohannon, Elections Coordinator
Remember, you can also always leave feedback via the LEAF online feedback form: http://bit.ly/LEAF-form
The election for new LEAF representatives is coming up quickly, starting in March 2020, so please consider representing your division in LEAF. The new representatives will begin their terms in May 2020, at which point the LEAF representatives will pick a new chair.
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