This was the weekend…the one where we go from 500 to 5000 in just a few days! On Saturday we welcomed 1376 Freshmen and 151 Transfers, along with 331 Oxford Continuees to the Residence Halls on campus. We had EOL 2013 at the ready on flashdrives (thanks to Daniel Palmer!) and a Tech Training that addressed a timely subject, “Passwords – pssst – It’s a Secret!”
We had a lean team in the Halls on Saturday, looking to provide self service password changing stations for all freshmen, before they received the flashdrive with the software script that is EOL – Emory OnLine (cleans up, and prepares laptops/desktops for getting on the network). We delivered flashdrives ahead of time in the Upperclass Halls with fliers requesting password resets, so even our transfers got a special reminder. On Sunday, we opened at the Computing Center at Cox Hall, taking advantage of events across the campus with timing and availability, particularly with new students and upperclassmen too. Yes, we continued to reset passwords all along the way.
Throughout this week, the Student Services team that is “STS” (Student Technology Support) then prepared to receive what has been a significant stream of people from Monday through Friday. But this week was busy though not overwhelming, with almost 300 Students both Monday and Tuesday, Wednesday was 235-ish and Thursday numbered 144. Pretty cool!
Interesting numbers…on Friday the NetReg count of devices on the ResNet Network totaled 1663: at this point many students in support roles for Res. Life and Orientation have arrived, along with international students and even our own STS students, very possibly 500+ students. We are seeing almost all students with 2 if not 3 devices each! For Thursday, the device count is at a whopping 11,225 and the number will continue to increase as our late arriving students get back to campus.
As of 8 a.m. Monday, there were 46 students yet to NetReg but as of Thursday we have only 11 students remaining to get on the network in the Freshmen Halls. For the Upperclass, the numbers are different but still very positive with 933 yet to NetReg on Monday and as of Thursday, only 46 remain to get NetReg’ed.
Passwords resets? Well, it’s safe to say that it’s at an all time high! We have worked hard to get the reset message out to everyone and had a positive reaction with students to make it so. We talked it up with Res. Life Staff, Orientation folks, Student Government, Laney Grad Student Orientation – the students who have heard the message are on board with this!
It was a great Back to School and I thank all the folks who were part of the Res Hall teams and those that supported the services we provide in person throughout our event. We rocked the house!