Last week heralded the delivery of a special wooden box in the Woodruff Library loading dock. With great excitement, Derek Butler, Marc Harrison, Norman Hulme, and Edgar Perez unboxed the Information Kiosk, the first physical piece of equipment in Emory Libraries’ digital signage project.
The Information Kiosk, standing almost eight feet high, was delivered by Boyd Enclosures out of Colorado. This kiosk is the first of 38 screens that will be installed over the next few months. These screens will be distributed between the Woodruff Library, the Woodruff Health Sciences Center Library, and the Computing Center at Cox Hall.
Located between the security desk and the stairs going down to Level 1, the Information Kiosk will have two screens: the front screen will provide way-finding so people can find locations throughout the library and the back side will likely have important content such as event promotion and schedules.

“This is part of the first phase of a four phase project,” said project manager Trisha Wilson, “It is the first step in a journey to help us cross-pollinate events and information throughout the expansive Emory Library system.”
The beginning of equipment installation follows an extensive period of research and selection by the library’s digital signage committee. If successful, this project is expected to set a standard for digital signage that could be adopted campus-wide.
“It’s going to help the library propel their marketing strategy and communication to the students, staff and faculty who are their customers,” says Trisha.
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