Emory Libraries and Information Technology received the award for Exhibition of the Year in the $1,000 to $1,000,000 category at the recent annual conference of the Georgia Association of Museums and Galleries. LITS’ Leslie Wingate, CCR director, and Kathy Dixson, exhibitions manager, accepted the award.
In presenting the award for “The Dream Machine, The Beat Generation and the Counterculture, 1940-1975,” Christy Crisp, Chairperson of the Awards Committee said, “We are very pleased to present this award to a very deserving recipient.
Crisp went on to say, “The exhibition reconsiders postwar literature and the ways it mirrored, predicted, and remade the culture around it. Pulling from Emory’s Rose Library’s rich literary collections, especially the Raymond Danowski Poetry Library, the show rediscovers a number of fascinating countercultural writers and will be the first major consideration of the Beats in the U.S. in nearly a decade.”
The annual Awards Luncheon is a highlight of GAMG’s annual conference. “Our members represent a good cross section of the museums and galleries in Georgia’s communities, large and small,” said President, Jose Sanataria. “We are happy to honor institutions, staff members, volunteers, patrons, exhibits, and special projects that have excelled in providing inspiring programs and leadership,” he concluded.
The 2018 conference was held in Rome, Georgia. More than 120 museum professionals attended the annual meeting, arriving from all regions of the state, from Thomasville to Tunnel Hill. The theme of this year’s conference was “Across the Divide: Innovation and Collaboration in the 21st Century Museum.”
The Georgia Association of Museums and Galleries (GAMG) is a private, non-profit statewide organization dedicated to encouraging growth and improving professional practices of museums and non-profit galleries throughout the state. The annual conference is an opportunity for museum professionals, board members, volunteers and supporters to share information and build relationships among museums and galleries throughout the state. The conference is hosted by a different community each year. For more information on the Georgia Association of Museums and Galleries, visit www.gamg.org.
The “Dream Machine, The Beat Generation and the Counterculture, 1940-1975” will continue in the Schatten Gallery through May 2018.
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