Today’s Messaging Team golden nugget features the question, what good is a tool if you don’t know how to use it?
We are now introducing Skype for Business Clinics, where the Messaging Team prescribes various best practices on using key features in Skype for Business (Mac and Windows) including:
- Screen sharing
- Making a phone call
- Sending an IM
- Recording a session
- Obtaining a Skype for Business conference call bridge number
- Audio/Video Settings
- Communicating with external affiliates
The clinics are interactive, and participants are encouraged to BYOD (bring your own device) to get the most value from a session. After each session, a feedback survey is sent to each participant. The responses from the survey help us understand what we are doing correctly and what we need to change. The survey is also anonymous.
Skype for Business is a great collaboration tool, and we look forward to hearing from you to set up your clinic.
So don’t delay, contact s4bclinics [at] emory [dot] edu to get your free prescriptions today.
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